Sunday, June 5, 2011


One of the most beautiful things for me to experience if my art work inspires other people...and they create furhter from my initiation. For me one form of happiness is to create art and the biggest gifts for me is to receive art made for me! ;) This is a big thanks and lots of love and respect going to Elena Kulikova who I only had a brief encountering with but in this moment I learned so much from this beautiful soul and I am impressed by her eyes and imagination. Check her website and the best photos ever taken of my art work:

and check my artist page:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

fffffffffffffound in SF

Alien maze made with rocks representing an abstract Mayan calendar ;) ha ha. Funny thing is, where did the rocks come from? There were no other rocks spotted near by, only sand. Ffffffffffound near sutro baths in SF.

 ffffound evidence!!!! George Washington was a grower!

"Himmelsstiege" (The stairs to heaven). When I was 14 years old I lived in a small Austrian town and went to boarding school on top of a hill. I had to walk about three times the amount of stairs to get from town, back home or to school. The stairs were named the stairs to heaven. But these here, truly much more speak for it's name I am giving it. Beautiful mosaic art project fffffffound in SF @ Moraga & 16th Ave in the sunset. The walk is way worth it. The view is breath taking and you can't tell unless you walk all of them stairs!

And here you can ffffffind some cool other (unrelated) things: